

Our landscape practice is led by founding director, Tony Cooke. Originally from a family farming background, Tony has studied land management, horticulture and landscape architecture.

Over the years Tony has worked at a variety of scales, from small cottage gardens to extensive grounds of country houses and estates. He has created ponds and lakes, planted many kilometres of hedges, thousands of trees and even restored 16 acres of rare magnesium limestone wildflower meadow.

Our work always responds sensitively to genius loci - that unique sense of place created by the surrounding landscape, the local vernacular, species of plants native to the locality - as well, of course, to our clients’ brief and their particular requirements. Our goal is always to create a landscape scheme that sits comfortably within and bleeds seamlessly into the wider landscape.


As almost all of our landscape commissions come through our work on the interiors of properties, we work closely with our interior design practice to ensure a coherent look and feel inside and out. We like to think that our design approach to landscapes leads to more successful interiors, but that is a ongoing source of marital disagreement between our directors! 

We are responsive, creative and, above all, pragmatic, never forgetting that a garden is primarily a place of recreation and beauty - for entertaining, for escapism, for peace - rather than a burden of maintenance. You shouldn’t have to be a keen gardener to enjoy a garden.

We work with a carefully selected list of contractors and specialist trades (e.g. dry stone wallers, fencing) and can oversee the entire project from sketch design to planting up and longer-term maintenance visits.